Proposal of an International Calendar (internet time)
A simple internationally accepted calendar time NOT based on TIME ZONES could be advantageous in several respects. Main requirements for such a calendar are: 1) Internal simplicity 2) Independence of religions and cultures 3) A clear relation to the most widespread calendar I propose here a solution to these requirements which may serve at Least as an encouragement to others to find a better one. The world-wide dominant international time, GREENWICH MEAN TIME, is based on the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is not only strongly linked to Christianity but also far from being simple. It is based on six different units of time: year, month, day, hour, minute and second (with decimal places). All but two (year and day) of these six units of time should be discarded in a new calendar because of internal simplicity. Time calculations will then become both simpler and more transparent. An important point of any calendar is its start. A compromise between the requirements 2) and 3) is a start on 1 January 2000, at 00:00:00 GMT. This moment becomes 0:000.0 in the new calendar. 0:000 2000/01/01 0:000.1 2000/01/01, 02:24:00 0:000.2 2000/01/01, 04:48:00 0:000.5 2000/01/01, 12:00:00 0:000.999 2000/01/01, 23:58:33.6 0:001.001 2000/01/02, 00:01:26.4 0:030 2000/01/31 0:031 2000/02/01 0:365.9 2000/12/31, 21:36:00 1:364.5 2001/12/31, 12:00:00 9:364 2009/12/31 An effective solution to expressing times and dates before calendar start consists in introducing a further digit: neg = n = -1 This digit should be used only at the first position of a number. n37 = -1*100 + 3*10 + 7 = -63 137 = 1*100 + 3*10 + 7 So we can express the years before calendar start without mirage at the origin of the calendar as in present-time calendars. 1999 n9 neg nine 1990 n0 neg zero 1945 n45 twoneg four five 1900 n00 twoneg zero (zero) 1899 n899 threeneg eight zero four 1001 n001 threeneg zero seven nine 1000 n000 threeneg zero (zero (zero)) 999 n8999 fourneg eight nine nine nine 1 n8001 fourneg eight zero zero one 0 n8000 fourneg eight (zero (zero (zero))) -1 n7999 fourneg seven nine nine nine -322 n7678 fourneg seven six seven eight -1000 n7000 fourneg seven -2000 n6000 fourneg six -8000 n0000 fourneg zero -98000 n00000 fiveneg zero -998000 n000000 sixneg zero (It could also be useful to introduce in additon to an INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR an ASTRONOMICAL CALENDAR which is based on the time unit year (365.2422 days) alone, whereas the former is based on days and years of either 365 or 366 days. Because of this leap year problem, there is at most one year which can start at exactly the same time according to both calendars. Unfortunately the begin of the year zero, a leap year, does not qualify for synchronization between the two calendars.) n9:361.9 (IC time) n9.99 (AC time)