Bee Death – The True Explanation
By Wolfgang G. Gasser
Original discussion – Comments or criticism can be posted there or sent to:
#1 2008-02-09
A typical statement:
"A dramatic spate of bee deaths is being observed in the USA. In many regions almost 90 percent of the population has been affected. In Germany and Switzerland too, colony numbers have virtually halved in the last 15 years. But what are the causes?" (
The primary cause of this bee death is very simple: there are not enough bee souls for the growing honey production all over the world. Many of the bee souls working now in East Asia and South America still worked in Europe and North America some years ago. The most efficient way to increase the world-wide honey production would consist in exterminating all species closely related to the honey bee. Yet it is clear that the souls of such related species need some lives as honey bees before they can be efficient honey bees themselves.
The limited number of souls having developed during evolution of life (evolution by reincarnation) explains why domestication and aquaculture inevitably lead to a reduction in the corresponding wild populations. It also explains the spreading of lowest-low fertility among humans around the world (demographic saturation).
By wogoga in #1:
The primary cause of this bee death is very simple: there are not enough bee souls for the growing honey production all over the world. Many of the bee souls working now in East Asia and South America still worked in Europe and North America some years ago.
By Gord_in_Toronto in #5:
The "theory" does not make any sense intrinsically. If there were a limited number of bee souls, the number of bees would stabilize, not decrease.
"From 1971 through 2006, there was a dramatic reduction in
the number of feral (wild) honeybees in the US (now almost absent); and a
significant, though somewhat gradual decline in the number of colonies
maintained by beekeepers." (WP)
"World production of honey in 2000, the latest reporting
year for the series, rose +1.4% to 1.241 million metric tons from 1.224 million
metric tons in 1999. World honey production has been stable in the 1.0-1.2
million metric ton range over the last 15 years." (Souce)
"Honey world production is around 1.4
million tons. Six countries concentrate 50% of total world production where
there has been a slightly growing trend in the last decade." (
Reincarnation as an Alternative to Lamarck, Darwin and
By Dr. Imago in #9:
Just out of curiousity, how many bees are there actually living in the world? A billion? Ten billion? A hundred billion? A trillion? Several trillion? More?
the facts (source)
calculate that around 1 gram of honey is harvested per bee. So for the honey
world production of around 1.4 million tons, around 1.4 trillion bees are
needed. From the dramatic reduction in the number of wild honeybees over the
last decades we can conclude that most honeybee souls are now working in the
honey production for us. Thus a reasonable guess could be the number of around
2 trillion (2,000,000,000,000) honey bee souls.
BTW, there could be this possibility to increase honey production without
decreasing the number of bees elsewhere: The same bee souls must work always
there where the season is ideal, e.g. from April to October in North America
and from October to April in South America.
Only four centuries ago heliocentrism was considered by the vast
majority of educated man as nonsensical as panpsychism still today
By wogoga in #16:
Thus a reasonable guess could be the number of around 2 trillion (2,000,000,000,000) honey bee souls.
By Dr. Imago in #25:
Oh, I see. So, every honey bee colony in the world is harvested then, right? This is how you account for your numbers, correct?
After the "dramatic reduction in the number of wild honeybees", the
majority of honeybees is probably harvested now. The calculated value of two trillion
honeybee souls is the result of e.g. the following premises:
We get:
This is only a first guess, future will clear up this question.
Fertility is now low not only in the case of honeybees, but also in the case of
"A quarter century of declining fertility in dairy cattle has meant that a major problem now facing the UK farming sector is the very poor reproductive performance of high-yielding cows." (
In the case of horses however, fertility is high:
"Largely unchecked by natural predators, wild horse populations grow at rates of 18-25% per year." (Source)
So why have wild honeybee populations been decreasing in size whereas wild horse populations been increasing? If one deals with the problem in an unprejudiced way, then the answer is trivial.
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
Colony Collapse Disorder is the phenomenon in which worker bees from a bee hive abruptly disappear. Healthy bees may not develop, or fly away from the hive and never return, leaving behind only an egg-laying queen and a few young workers. The explanation of this phenomenon is obvious: There are not enough honey bee souls for the growing demand all over the world.
The explanation that healthy bees never return to their hives is especially interesting:
The souls of evolutionarily related less social or even solitary bees develop in such honey bee hives. Because instinctive behavior originates from the soul and not from genetics, these bees simply continue to behave like non-honey bees, despite genetically being genuine honey bees.
(Because imitation is a fundamental principle of biological evolution, souls of solitary bees can evolve into genuine honey-bee souls, if they are regularly born among a majority of such honey bees.)
Simplicity correlates with truth
The decline in wild bumblebees
Also the reason of the dwindling numbers of bumblebees in free nature ultimately results from the limited number of bumblebee souls. Bumblebees are more and more commercially raised and sold around the world for greenhouse pollination. These increasing numbers in commercially raised populations inevitably lead to a decline in the wild populations.
quote from
Bumblebees are found mainly in northern temperate regions, though there are a few native South American species and New Zealand has some naturalised species that were introduced around 100 years ago to pollinate red clover. ... With the recent popularity of using bumblebees in glasshouse pollination they will probably be found in most parts of the world before long, especially Bombus terrestris which seems to be the most popular species sold for this purpose.
In the same way as in the case of aquaculture, hypotheses of a causal effect from artificially raised forms to the decrease in wild forms are regularly brought forward. A typical example:
Bumble bee expert Dr. Robbin Thorp has hypothesized that wild populations of four closely related North American humble bees - ... - were infected with an introduced disease carried by commercially reared bumble bee colonies. In the early 1990's, Common Eastern and Western Bumble Bees were shipped to Europe and reared in the same facilities as the European Buff-tailed Bumble Bee, then returned to the U.S. for use as commercial pollinators. Dr. Thorp suggests that, while in Europe, the Common Eastern and Western Bumble Bees were exposed to a pathogen of the European Buff-tailed Bumble Bee for which they had no prior resistance. ... The close relationship of the bees in decline to the European Buff-tailed Bumble Bee, as well as the timing, speed and severity of the population crashes suggest that an escaped exotic disease organism may be the cause of these widespread losses.
It is clear that within a purely materialist world view such an "exotic disease organism" seems to be the most likely explanation.
However, if we give up the prejudices of reductionist materialism (philosophically rooted in naive realism) and try out a pandualist world view, then we can easily recognize the true reason of the "timing, speed and severity of the population crashes":
Not the bumblebees which returned to the U.S. caused the decline in the wild, but those reared in the European (and in other) facilities, thus depleting the psychons (souls) of the wild populations.
Maybe it will necessary to somehow (e.g. by legal means) limit the number of bumblebees in greenhouses in order not to further deplete the numbers of wild bumblebee populations.
For being unprejudiced one must always start fighting anew!
#36 2014-11-12
production of honey from 1992 to 2012 according to UN Food & Agriculture Organization:
Despite all the claims to the contrary, pollination by harvested bees has been
continuously increasing. We conclude that decreasing honeybee populations in
some regions/ countries must be paralleled by increasing populations in other
regions/ countries.
Apart from using the same bee souls during northern-hemisphere winter in the
southern hemisphere and vice versa (thus making unnecessary winter survival), also special varroa-mite
breeding could increase bee pollination and honey production. It is an
empirical fact that animal breeding leads to a decrease in the corresponding
not-bred populations (see).